During this year, a new event has started in Torroellas de Llobregat. Specifically, you can find a light show in Catalonia in Miniature, called Lumágica. You want to know more? Come on.
Lumagica in the world.
First of all, I must say that it is a show that happens all over the world and I believe that precisely the one in Barcelona is one of the worst that exists for the brand.
Lumagica from Germany.
In Germany they seem to have a deeper experience in this type of events. It seems to have many more options for children’s fun through slides and some interactive objects.
Lumagica of Barcelona.
This experience is what I have lived specifically. I think there are many more things to improve, especially in the interactive part.
Lumagica from the USA.
The US option did not seem much better than the one in Barcelona, but it is possible that they have many better sets full of lights and more united between them. However, it doesn’t seem to have that interactivity that would be ideal for children.
Lumagica from Austria.
In Austria it follows a classic humanist style, focused on the satisfaction of the snow together with the lights, which create different really interesting effects. It is possible that the light show will be much better, precisely because of the work with the snow and the light changes.
My experience at Lumagica in Barcelona.
Disappointing. Very disappointing. Even more disappointed when I saw the official video with which they are promoted.
It’s true, I went with a person who loves these things. What’s more, I didn’t have any thoughts about what the experience was going to be like, so I had the bar quite low, considering it as a simple walk with a place to visit. However, I just watched the video… and I just felt very cheated.
The price of the ticket.
From the beginning it seemed expensive to me: €15 plus €1 administration fee. That is, a total of €16 per ticket. First of all I ask: management of what? Yes I do it through the web. Once I saw my card bill, I understood that they use an external service (atrapalo.com) to reserve tickets.
In other words, if I don’t create a ticket management system, I’ll pay for it. And if this is not enough, the data is managed by a company external to the organization without my knowledge.
In this case, I don’t want to delve into the legality of this system without warning.
A walk through the 5 senses.
At first, when I read this sentence it seemed very ambitious to me. Too much, and it is true that I am very purist for loving Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality technology.
Once the walk was done, I went through the entire set… the only interaction was the smoke that reflected the lights and a few buttons to “make sounds.” Is this really what we call interactive?
It is true that in the video they appear playing the piano, the drums and making a festival of lights according to your interactivity. In this sense, we have a disappointing show. Especially if we think about children who are eager to experiment.
The gastronomy.
During the Park you find three stations distributed at the beginning, in the middle and at the end, with hot chocolate, hot dogs and things like that that are a bit “mundane.” They were empty, and had no special charm.
The final restaurant was closed so I cannot comment on it or its food.
The number of people.
If it is true, the number of people was almost zero. So you could move quite freely and you could stay in the same place for a while. Although we must also take into account that the park regulations indicated that it was prohibited to go back.
The scenery.
It is not very different from the Christmas lights that we can find in the streets of the cities, this without counting Vigo which is on another level.
In fact, the structures are beautiful and well made, however, we had a section that was totally dark and without any light other than the basic ones.
On the other hand, being in Catalonia in Miniature, some of the representations of Barcelona (Sagrada Familia and Camp Nou) are used to give it a touch with the place’s own music. It’s okay, but it’s not something that can really impact.
The summary of the experience at Lumagica.
Going to Lumagica seemed expensive, boring and of little interest to me. I do not recommend it to people with children, because they will get bored. If your intention is to take a walk through a place with lights in the shape of animals, go ahead, but remember the price of admission and the option of going to the enchanted forest of Gavá.
Perhaps for a much lower price, I would be talking about €5 would be much fairer. However, I cannot recommend it either way.
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