In the coastal town of Gavà, Christmas is not only a season of bright lights and joyful carols, but also a time when magic takes center stage. One of the most anticipated and loved events during the Christmas season in Gavà is the “Bosc Encantat,” a place where the magic and wonder of Christmas intertwine in the city.
In this article, we will explore the magical world of Bosc Encantat and how this event has come to symbolize the Christmas spirit in Gavà.
Dates and times of Christmas at Bosc Encantat de Gavà.
The hours of this small luminous forest start at 5 p.m. until 11 p.m. of the night. Quite similar to the hours of the local businesses, if we count on the restaurant sector.
It starts from the last week of November until January.
Bosc Encantat de Gavà price.
Where to find the Bosc Encantat de Gavà?
You can find it in the Torre del Lluc Park in Gavá.
Can animals be walked?
They can walk dogs, but I don’t recommend it because of the large number of people you can meet.
What’s in the Bosc Encantat?
The Bosc Encantat is a Christmas event held in the Parc de la Torre Lluc, a small park in Gavà. During the Christmas season, this park transforms into a dream place where visitors can immerse themselves in a world of magic, fantasy and fun.
The forest of lights.
The Bosc Encantat is famous for its impressive decoration. The park’s trees are covered in twinkling lights and sparkling decorations, creating a magical and welcoming atmosphere. Visitors can stroll through the “Enchanted Forest” and feel like they are in a fairy tale.
The Spirit of Community
The Bosc Encantat is an event that brings together the Gavà community. Neighbors and visitors come together to share the magic of Christmas, create special memories and strengthen the ties that unite the city. This annual event has become a long-standing tradition that symbolizes the unity and festive spirit of Gavà.
In short, the Bosc Encantat is an essential part of Christmas in Gavà, where magic and wonder are intertwined in a unique natural environment. This event encapsulates the joy, fun and community spirit that make the Christmas season in Gavà truly special. It is a place where dreams come true and where the magic of Christmas is experienced in a unique and memorable way.
My experience.
Gavá is betting on investing in lights to compete with Christmas tourism and get people to buy in local businesses, and I think he is doing it well. And entry is completely free.
The Decoration of the Bosc Encantat.
As an environmentalist, and even more so in the situation of energy crisis reported by the State, the provision of more than 10,000 light points for this event seems crazy to me. However, money wins the game and surely the stores will be able to increase their sales thanks to that. Is ecology really valued?
Perhaps someone tells me that the lights are LED and that they consume little, however they would consume less if they were turned off. Not counting all the wiring and plastic that covers this. But let’s focus on the “beautiful” part, the most humanistic part.
Well, removing that part, we must say that it is an event worth seeing and that the streets are filled with life through research or experimentation when seeing all those elements that cover the streets. So he fulfills his objective with great success. I suppose that the inspiration for this type of actions has been the Vigo city council. I recommend visiting it, it’s fun for these dates.
They are doing a brutal campaign in the press, so I leave you an article here in case you want something more commercial.
Curiosities of the enchanted forest.
- The lights change their hue as Christmas progresses.
- It is accessible for people in wheelchairs.
- Through a mobile application:
- It is accessible for blind people.
- It is accessible for people with hearing problems.
Personal opinion.
The decoration is great to take some photos with some pretty lights. You can spend 30-45 minutes taking photos and having fun.
What I recommend is to go by public transport or by motorcycle. This little corner has stayed with me for a good while. I recommend the experience! And the local people have a very good vibe.